Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why does THAT Mormon girl stay single?

Occasionally I would like to spotlight a friend and get your feedback. We all could use the help.

Today I'm going to spotlight Hannah! One time a boy asked Hannah out for her birthday! So sweet, right? Well, first he took her to TGIFridays and had them SPLIT an order of chicken fingers. Then for the next birthday surprise, he took her to his work training at Home Depot!!! Not joking!! When they arrived at Home Depot there was pizza for the training and her date looked at her and said, "We didn't need to go to dinner, we could have just eaten here." Then they sat through a two hour training about water heaters!!

I can't make this stuff up!

If ANYONE deserves to be married, it is Hannah! She sacrificed big time for love (or for potential love...I'm afraid Home Depot date ruined any potential there!!)