Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Single Story

I have a fantastic friend named Wendy. Wendy is a hot item and kept having booked weekends before her crush had a chance to ask her out. He kept on asking--she kept on having to say "sorry; already full." One weekend her crush planned ahead and asked her out a WEEK in advance (just in time for her to say no to some creepy other guy who asked her out--whew). She was excited all week for her date.

Right before her date--in the midst of her primping--her crush calls to see if they are still on. "Of Course!" Wendy replies. He says he's bringing his buddy, so can she bring a friend? Wendy runs and grabs her friend. Well, her crush shows up with TWO boys, one of which was some guy who loved Wendy's friend and Wendy's friend was NOT interested. (DRAMA! Are you following this?)

Anyway, the five of them go out to eat, the waitress asks how the bills should be separated and Crush says "separate checks for everyone"!!!! Luckily Wendy brought her purse. Then they go home and the Crush has planned nothing so they sit around Wendy's living room and it is a DISASTER. But--amazing--Wendy's friend and the fifth wheel finally hit it off and found love!! Wish the same could be said for Wendy....