Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Update

So, Saturday I was of course pretty bummed about my lack of a crush, but ended up enjoying the day anyway with the gym, reading, and then buying a lot of chocolates with my roommates and throwing them at the TV during a romantic comedy, yelling "liar!" Incredibly therapeutic!

Sunday I went to church and I looked HOTTTTT in my new ShabbyApple dress (I'm not trying to make this a commercial--I'm just saying--I looked good AND I have a 10% off coupon if you're interested: SAFriendtoFriend10off). At church I eyed this hot new guy. I conveniently sat next to him during Sunday School, and we exchanged a little flirtful banter.

PROBLEM! I managed to find out his name (by checking the engraved gold name on the front of his scriptures) and then I looked him up on facebook and he is only TWENTY-TWO! Is this a deal breaker?