Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Another Mormon Girl Stays Single

Apparently my only two readers (both of who choose to remain "anonymous") hated my story about my friend who got married!!! Bitter? So, for "Anonymous" I present...

Why Another Mormon Girl Stays Single!

My friend Jackie once got asked out by this..."nice" boy. She had a hard time saying no to dates. I guess people always say you should give everyone a chance with at least one date--but my friend who was in law school told me about the kinds of things that happen to people when they decide to go on "just one date" with an insane person.


Jackie's date picked her up and began the beautiful drive through the Canyon to Heber. She was hoping for some outdoor ice-skating or famous milkshakes. Instead, she got a homemade dinner at a ward activity. For his GRANDPARENTS' ward! This was their first date!!!! She spent an evening deflecting questions about how long they had been dating/how serious they were/how long they had been married/when she was expecting....
When he asked her out on a second date, she said no.