Thursday, July 16, 2009

New hot guy in my ward

Remember that young guy I sat next to in Sunday School? (what--are you implying that my multitude of crushes is too hard for you to keep up with??? Sorry--I can't put pictures of them on here! Creepy!)

Anyway, last night I was at a birthday party for this girl in my ward and who was there but hot ward crush (a.k.a. Alan). I am trying to implement both my plans to be a man chaser and to not hang out but just date. hmm. It is difficult. But when Alan entered the room I smoothly approached him and flirted and he was talking about being new to the area so I mentioned that I had been here a LONG time (I didn't mention just how long!) and then I put my number in his phone. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't heard from him yet, but I'm thinking I will have some hot weekend plans. :)