Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Ones That Got Away

My friend once said "the older I get, the more I wished I hadn't been pickier when I was younger." Of course, six months later she married a total BABE even though she was (almost) 28!

So I present, The Ones That Got Away:

Edward Edward was a strange fellow. Always brooding and never at school when the sun came out. But oh, the passion....haha NO, I am not THAT into Twilight! And if I was, I'd totally go for Emmett. Okay. Next on the list...

Vaughn I am afraid things didn't work out with Vaughn mostly because of his name. Vaughn!?!?! Other than that, he served faithfully as an Elders Quorum Teacher (never saw him teach, but heard he was AWESOME) and he would call me a lot and take me out. After a while I just didn't think things would work out, so I started "playing dumb" and "phasing him out" and after WAY longer than it should have taken, he moved on.

Corey Oh, Corey. Just thinking about him causes me pain. We were spending a LOT of time together. One time he called me late at night to go on a walk to the temple (!!!!!!!!). On our walk, he said we needed to talk about US. I got excited for his revelation of love. But he asked me to go first. I stumbled over saying I was glad we were friends. Then somehow his turn never came, and our walk ended.

Blake Blake was my ward crush for a while. One time he FINALLY asked me out!!! Our date was so fun and during it we were making conversation and I was talking about school and mentioned how busy it was and that earlier that day my T.A. had talked about how school was about to get REALLY intense and I shouldn't go on any dates starting in November because I'd be too busy. It was October 30th. Bad move, T!!!!!!!!!

Jack Jack is this guy I went on a blind date with. The blind date was SO good it ended up lasting TWELVE HOURS and during it he asked me out for the next night, too! Woot woot! But then on our second date I told him I knew I would marry him, and we never had a third date. But he's still single, so I was probably right. Right? RIGHT?!?!?!?

Are you noticing a pattern here? I am: I'M STILL NOT MARRIED!!