Monday, July 27, 2009

a bold move by T

So guys, I was going crazy. Alan was sending mixed signals (oh yeah, he did text me randomly on Saturday but did NOT ask me on a date) and I was driving myself mad going back and forth over the multitude of possibilities as to why Alan didn't ask me out...too afraid to even think of the possibility that he is NOT INTERESTED!! I decided to take matters into my own hands.

So Saturday night I got online and WHO ELSE is on gchat but Alan! Seriously? So I struck up a conversation

T: so you'd rather be on gchat on a Saturday night than hang out with me?

Alan: hey, T

T: (awkward silence)

Alan: oh yeah, I guess it's pretty lame to be on gchat on a Saturday night, huh?

T: (awkwardly wondering why he is avoiding the question and also wondering DOES HE ARCHIVE HIS GCHATS??? He could preserve this forever--awkward!)

Alan: What are you up to tonight, T?

T: Oh, just checking my gmail in between party hopping.

Alan: That's cool

T: (freaking out) well, gotta run

Okay, not as bold as I wanted. But I think I'm just going to talk to him about us. I can't handle this anymore. Seriously. It's not that I have a crush on Alan. It's more than a's an obsession!!!!!!!